Somewhere along the way, I got caught up in a situationship with certain parts of myself. I was settling for things that didn’t sit right with me, I was listening to the: ‘But why are you still writing about men, heartache and finding love when you have a boyfriend?’ from some people.
Somewhere within all of this, I started to go weird on myself. I was a fraud – or so I thought. I fell out of love with Instagram, watched the followers drop and lost some of the hot pink enthusiasm that I used to have for my own work. I knew it wasn’t the end of I Think He’s Gone Weird, but my love of posting dwindled a lot.
I think that was meant for a reason, because all of my energy went into my publishing my debut poetry book. And it was worth it. Taking Up The Space Between is my greatest achievement to date, it’s the thing I’ve dreamed about since forever. I feel empowered all over again each time I hold it in my hands.
The thing is, the themes in my writing always fall back into the same flow – they all end up following my heart, whether that’s backwards or forwards. I love where my heart is now, settled into complete happiness and certainty with a man who truly loves me. After all the dating shit shows over the years, I know how lucky I am to be able to say that. So, I’m allowing that to inspire me all over again.
I’m back, ready to scribble within the pink frame again. I’m taking back that part of me, because I can write about whatever I want to write about, I can write my own rules. That’s art.
I miss you gals, I miss the giggles, I miss the raw relatability. It was never about me, it was about women. I’m ready to write for us again.