“Great men have written great songs, and great men have written not-so-great love stories with us…”

I Think He's Gone Weird

Sometimes you can fall into a boyband abyss, okay, actually fairly often. Especially if your heart feels a little all over the place. The lyrics lure us in, resonate with every emotion and have us asking: “Is this what he is thinking right now?” Just me? Or are we all judging the hidden emotions of some of our greatest hurts by classic love songs? 

Great men have written great songs, and great men have written not-so-great love stories with us. I mean, the songs say it all, so why can’t he? It doesn’t need to be accompanied by backing music or a world tour, sometimes a simple “I’m sorry” would go down nicely. For once, I would love a romantic flow to the end, not just an opened Snapchat symbol. 

They listen to the songs, but never communicate like them. So, if they did write about us, what would their album cover look like? Would it be a picture of him and the lads? Would it be called: “You’re really overthinking this…” or “I do like ya but…” and would he ever post it on Insta, or would it be kept completely quiet? 

Being realistic about all of it, we would never be able to work out the meaning of the majority of the track list, we will be forever left to ponder: “What really happened here?” as he moves onto new albums. And at the end of it all, we’ll always question whether our songs, as chaotic and questionable as they could be, were somehow his favourite. Because under the big song and dance, he always struggled to properly write the end, didn’t he? 

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