A Year Of Change

2020 has quite possibly been the most strange year to date. A global pandemic was definitely not something I had prepared for when I celebrated my birthday in January, but here we are. Even though a lot of us haven’t been doing much, lockdown seems to have made us reflect on a lot of things.

2020 has somehow changed people’s lives already and we’re only halfway through it. We’re all realising what we miss, what we don’t, and the things that we really want now that life has slowed down. We all have new goals, new dreams, new ambitions that we want to fulfill. Isn’t it funny that 2020 actually seems to have been a year of reflection and cleansing for many of us? In a strange way and if you are to try and put a more positive spin on things, it’s as if we needed this outlook to happen. I think we’ve all been shaken up and changed in some way – big or small.

Many people are trying to find a new normal with relationship changes, career changes, even personality changes. Is this a good or a bad thing? As much as people have struggled throughout this year so far, hopefully for many people some changes are for the better. I believe people have a new appreciation for the little moments in life – the midnight drives to the beach, catch ups with family, nights out with friends. I know I definitely have more places I want to visit, more dreams I want to grow wings.

The world really is our oyster, but when everything comes to a standstill, all we can do is reflect on it and the things our souls are yearning for. We all appreciate the value of time, the laughter with the people who bring sparkle to our days, and a good aul browse in Penneys.

2020 has brought grief and heartache to so many, but hopefully we can finish off the year with a new perspective and true priorities. We are only given one life and are free to chase the things that make us feel alive. When we find some sort of normality again, I plan to chase the clouds of Paris, the sand of a Greek Island, fresh pages of my notebook, and the bottoms of coffee cups in my favourite cafes.

Life is unpredictable, but it’s always magic. 2020, you sure know how to shake things up.

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