Anybody who lives at home and has a sister in college can relate to the mixed emotions that return whenever it is time for her to go back in September. To be honest, for me it is usually relief, because even though I love the girl dearly we are always ready to kill each other by the end of the summer…
Pro-You have more time to yourself.
Con- She is your sister, best friend,partner in crime, teacher, stylist, make-up artist, therapist and guardian angel, so you know, you kind of miss her when she’s gone…
Pro- You can now move into her room.
Con- She took all the good stuff out of her room.
Pro- You can just fill her empty room with your own stuff.
Con- She took all your stuff too when you weren’t looking…
Pro- She left half of her wardrobe.
Con- It’s all the things you won’t fit into, or the stuff you’ve already ruined with tan. Oh well, it’s better than nothing…
Pro- You can get crumbs in her bed without her complaining.
Con- The midnight feasts and bitching sessions aren’t as fun alone…
Pro- You can bond with the rest of your family. I wonder what they’re like? So far they seem like nice people…
Con- But do they really understand you as much as she does?