Behind The Face Of The Fox Files. 7 Facts About Me!

The 7 facts about me trend is all over Facebook at the moment so I decided to become a part of it. I decided to put it up on my blog instead because I’d love all of you to get to know me a bit more, especially my new readers 🙂

1) I am the biggest girly girl ever! I’d be lost without everything pink and Disney princess related! I’m quite surprised I don’t sweat glitter…

2) I am so loud. I find it impossible to whisper and walk like an elephant which may explain why some of my friends called me Fenelephant (at least I hope so anyway!)

3) I am such an emotional person. I cry about everything and I’m not ashamed of my sensitive side 🙂 Proud founder of the phrase “Why are my eyes watering?”

4) I am a tea-aholic! This is why my blogs profile logo includes a Fox in a tea cup. I also hate small mugs, I need proper cups of tea! Unfortunately my bladder has been affected by my constant tea drinking and I need to pee every twenty minutes…

5) Penneys is my second home. You will never see me come out of that shop empty handed! You all know that I loooove fashion so a trip to Penneys is my fashion fix and the best therapy for me!

6) My hair hasn’t been it’s natural colour since I was about five. Okay, that was a slight exaggeration, but it’s definitely been a while! I’m not afraid to experiment with my hair I love constantly changing it. I love changing it even more when something changes in my life or I want a fresh start. New hair, new Fe!

7) Blogging is my passion. I was always unsure of what I wanted to do but knew my greatest strengths were fashion, writing and gossiping! I decided to start The Fox Files and it turned out to be the best thing I ever did! My dream is to turn my blog into a full time career 🙂

I hope you all enjoyed these 7 facts about me! There were too many things to write but these definitely sum me up as a person 🙂

Fe xx

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