Okay so I was chatting to my mum today about my blog and she came up with the idea of rant of the week! Mainly because whenever I start ranting about things it lasts about four days, ask anybody! I think my blog is a good place to share these rants rather than annoying the life out of my boyfriend with them on a daily basis as I usually do! Anyway, I am going to start doing this every Sunday, unless for some reason I am not able to that week due to my hectic schedule (unexpected death of goldfish, emotional breakdown about running out of teabags etc)
An example of this rant would include things such as how I saw a man openly littering in the middle of town the other day (Oh dear, I sound like my mother, don’t I?) and my reaction to seeing somewhere that NADIA FORDE had been branded a plus size model. Yes, that really happened…
In other news, I treated myself to SoSueMe’s second book today, feeling super motivated and more ready than ever to take on the world of blogging! (I started choking on popcorn just after I had typed that, well that could have been awkward and a short lived blogging career…)
Anywho, off I go to chill out in bed with a cup of tea! 🙂
Night everyone! xx